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Excel: The most popular software for your spreadsheets?


That’s it, you’ve received your new promotion. Congratulations! Only one downside. With your new appointment, you have also taken on new administrative responsibilities. Thus, you now have to manipulate spreadsheets. Before, you could afford to do everything by hand, but now the amount of documents to process is far too great for that. Microsoft thought of people like you when bringing Excel to market.


Excel: What is it?

So what is Excel? It is a professional spreadsheet software. In other words, you can manage simple and complex calculations there, display a multitude of data and inventory them in pivot tables. You can do a lot more, but we’ll get to that. Microsoft, father of Windows, created Excel. This software is part of the Office suite, which also includes the well-known Word.

On the other hand, while PowerPoint specializes in presentations and slides or Word specializes in writing, Excel has been the authority on the market when it comes to numbers for almost 35 years.

Thus, once you have mastered this software, you can use Excel to classify your tables and perform your calculations quickly, efficiently and without mistakes. Of course, we are well aware that accessing Excel can be daunting. But at Doussou Formation, our trainers are there to teach you how to use this software. From basics to more complex macros.


Excel: What are the benefits?

To start, let’s talk about those famous macros we talked about a line ago. This is one of the most interesting functions of the Office suite. To define them, macros are programmed commands to automate repetitive tasks. Simply put, macros are shortcuts that make your life easier. It goes without saying that you will be happy to save time with these tools at your disposal.

Another definite advantage of Excel is its performance. Other spreadsheet software exists on the market. There are even free options. But in terms of computing power and tools available to you, Excel wins hands down. If you only have to ride 1 km to get to work, a bicycle will do. But if you have to pull a ton load, you’ll need a nice big truck with flames. Excel is that truck with the flames. And see Doussou as your friend who teaches you to drive.

Average, rounding, sum, and/or. These are all formulas that can be used with Excel. This is the basis. But Excel can also help you with linear calculus, algebra, or graphs. And when Excel is not embellished with a function, there is probably a macro to do it.


Excel: The course formula at Doussou Formation

As mentioned above, we will accompany you from the start to the finish line. More specifically, we adopt a way of teaching specific to your needs and desires. At the base of the training, we will see the fundamentals. Then we will study the reference names, the layout, the available formulas, the graphic representations and then the pivot tables. Finally, you will be ready to learn your first macros.

Do not hesitate to register or ask us for more information if you are a person who wishes to ensure that you have a solid foundation in the concepts of Excel spreadsheet software. Finally, practical exercises will allow you to consolidate your new knowledge.


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