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How to do customer relationship management? : The vTiger CRM


If you’re in sales or marketing, chances are you’ve used a CRM. For those who do not know, CRM (customer relationship management) or GRC in French are used to keep a lot of information and statistics in relation to customers in order to have a personalized approach.

By working with a CRM, all your colleagues can update the data and see what the customer’s last orders were. This allows you to know what he needs, but also to interact with him in unique ways. If you have customers, having a CRM is an essential tool to have a competitive advantage.


vTiger: What is it?

One of the best CRM software available on the market is without a doubt vTiger. Thanks to vTiger, you will be able to manage the relationship with your customers in a few clicks. Everything is located in one place and the software allows it to be linked to other communication, sales, accounting and marketing tools.

Your products and inventory as well as what you sell for each customer are held in vTiger’s database. Also, you will have access to your customers’ accounts, your quotes, invoices or supplier orders. A CRM such as vTiger allows you to always be one step ahead. At the speed at which things are moving today, it is a luxury that we do not want to deprive ourselves of.

Of course, vTiger is made up of a multitude of advanced tools to put you in control when it comes to customer relationship management. In this regard, Doussou Formation can certainly help you get started with this software.


How can Doussou Formation help you?

The first step in adapting our marketing or sales approach is the consumer journey. Our course is no different. Thus, you will see the user journey and what it entails in a CRM like vTiger. Then we will learn together how to build multi-channel relationship marketing. You will learn to manage the combination with the different tools, but also to segment your customers. Once that’s done, we’ll explore the plethora of data management possibilities.

At the end of this training, you will be able to use vTiger to its full potential. All this, thanks to the expertise of our trainers who have more than 20 years of experience in web marketing and teaching.

If you are in sales and unfamiliar with vTiger or want to improve your results through customer relations, enroll in our vTiger course without hesitation.

Vtiger CRM Training:


Training in
your places of work

It is possible to obtain training directly at your workplace by a Doussou trainer

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