Linkedin Pixel Code After Effects Training | The most complete - 4 days

After Effects Training | The most complete – 4 days

Classes in: Online course, virtual classroom (remote), Montreal, Gatineau, Quebec, at your offices

The "Introduction to After Effects" training is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of Adobe After Effects, a leading software for video post-production and motion graphics. This course will cover the fundamental features of After Effects, from navigating the interface to creating advanced animations and effects. By the end of the training, participants will be equipped with the skills to produce professional-quality animations and videos.

Course details

Course Content:

  • After Effects Software Features:

    • Presentation of the working interface: tools, menus, panels.
    • Opening a new working document.
    • Organization of the project window.
    • Job registration.
  • Keyframes:

    • Adding and removing animation keys.
    • Adding markers for synchronizing sound and animation.
    • Exploring the Motion Sketch window.
  • Text Animations:

    • Creating point and paragraph text.
    • Transforming text using layer properties and predefined animations.
    • Animation by inheritance and by traces.
    • Applying effects to text: shadows, blurs.
    • Previewing animations in Adobe Bridge.
  • Mounting Effects:

    • Using multilayer and effect layers.
    • Overview of the Effects and Presets window.
    • Moving, dragging, and splitting layers.
    • Applying fades and transitions.
    • Adjusting duration and extension values.
  • Animations of Forms:

    • Using the pen tool for shape creation.
    • Animating torsion, zigzag, and external rounding.
    • Transforming and connecting layouts.
    • Converting text to vector form.
  • Slideshows and Precompositions:

    • Creating slideshows.
    • Understanding precomposition.
  • Using Masks:

    • Applying aesthetic and moving masks.
    • Understanding fusion modes.
  • Animations and Characters:

    • Utilizing the puppet tool for deformation and animation.
    • Dynamic keyframe recording.
  • The Effects:

    • Exploring effects: cycore, fractal noise, particles, “systems,” and others.
    • Recording effects.
  • Building a 3D Environment:

    • Understanding the X, Y, Z axes.
    • Using dynamic cameras and camera animation.
    • Applying lighting and effects.
  • Expressions:

    • Linking properties of various effects.
    • Controlling effects over time.
    • Using loops and interdependencies.
    • Grouping layers.
  • Audio Effects:

    • Applying sound effects.
    • Understanding wave and frequency effects.
  • Advanced Audio Editing:

    • Integrating Adobe Audition with After Effects.
    • Using markers for audio editing.
  • Caches:

    • Understanding Luma and Alpha caches.
    • Creating effects using caches.
  • Rendering and Exporting:

    • Backing up and exporting projects.
    • Customizing output functions.
    • Achieving high-quality rendering.

Autre(s) cours dans cette catégorie

→ After Effects Training | The most complete – 4 days

→ After Effects Training (improvement)

→ After Effects Training


  • A course material for each participant
  • Support of the trainer after the training
  • We offer you in public session:
    • Tea, coffee
    • Parking (only in some cities)
    • Wireless internet connection

Préalables :

Follow or master the basics of the After Effects workshop.

Objectifs :

  • Gain proficiency in navigating the After Effects interface.
  • Understand and apply keyframe animation.
  • Create and animate text and shapes.
  • Use masks and effects to enhance visual appeal.
  • Develop skills in 3D environment creation and camera animation.
  • Apply and control expressions for dynamic animations.
  • Integrate and edit audio within After Effects.
  • Master rendering and exporting high-quality video projects.


per participant

Duration :4 day(s), is 28 hours.
Hours: 9 am-5pm, 2 coffee breaks.

See the lesson plan in PDF

Locations: Montreal, Gatineau / Ottawa, Quebec City.

See customer reviews

Regular price: On demand

*The preferential rate applies if you register at least two participants in the same session.

Rate After Effects Training | The most complete – 4 days

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Also available in private session.
offer is valid from 01/01/2024.

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Vidéos de formations sur les logiciels en bureautique

“ I want to thank you both for providing my resources some excellent training(Cobol) over the past 3 days. Mamadou, thank you for being so accommodating on such short notice and for sending your facilitator to Gatineau for this customised and personalised training course. We’ll look forward to continuing our partnership for future training needs. “

“J’ai grandement apprécié les méthodes d’enseignement du prof. Le fait que nous soyons un petit groupe a grandement facilité les apprentissages. Il s’adapte à son audience et les exercices sont formateurs. Je recommande fortement. “

“ Ce fut un plaisir de faire affaires avec Doussou Formation. Ce qui fait LA différence est le service personnalisé totalement à l'écoute des participants ainsi que l'adaptation aux besoins de formation. Flexibilité / Adaptabilité / Professionnalisme / Courtoisie. Merci!“