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Adobe InDesign Custom Training | Private Course

Classes in: Online course, virtual classroom (remote), Montreal, Gatineau, Quebec, at your offices

The InDesign training offered by Doussou Formation is a private and customized session, specially designed to meet the specific needs of users. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced user, this training program will enable you to master the features and tools of InDesign to create professional and attractive documents. Through a personalized approach, each participant will benefit from individualized support to achieve their graphic creation goals.

Course details

Module 1: Introduction to InDesign

  • Understanding the interface and basic tools
  • Navigating the workspace
  • Customizing the user interface

Module 2: Creating and Managing Documents

  • Creating new documents
  • Setting up page parameters (margins, columns, page sizes)
  • Managing templates and master pages

Module 3: Working with Text

  • Inserting and formatting text
  • Managing text styles
  • Using text flows and linked text frames

Module 4: Working with Images and Graphics

  • Inserting and managing images
  • Using layers and effects
  • Optimizing images for print and web

Module 5: Layout and Design

  • Advanced layout techniques
  • Using grids and guides
  • Creating consistent and harmonious layouts

Module 6: Exporting and Printing

  • Preparing documents for print
  • Exporting files in various formats (PDF, EPUB, etc.)
  • Techniques for checking and correcting print errors

Module 7: Personalized Project

  • Applying acquired skills to a real project
  • Personalized guidance and advice
  • Presentation and evaluation of the final project

Autre(s) cours dans cette catégorie

→ Photoshop + Illustrator Training (Private Course)

→ InDesign Course : Complete training in 4 days

→ InDesign Advanced Training

Commentaires des clients

commentaires clients Adobe InDesign Custom Training | Private Course

Adobe InDesign training participant: J'ai vraiment adoré ma formation. Mathieu maîtrise vraiment son sujet. Les exercices qu'il a préparés arrivaient pile au bon moment. J'aimerais ajouter que j'ai suivi des formations en ligne dans le passé avec d'autres formateurs (d'une autre entreprise) et qu'habituellement je trouvais ça long ou endormant, puisque c'était en ligne, mais pas avec Mathieu. C'était formidable. Je recommande ce formateur à tous. Il est toujours disponible pour répondre à nos interrogations, nous encourage, nous permet d'évoluer tout en apprenant. Merci encore!

[ Sabrina ]

Adobe InDesign training participant: Excellente formation, enseignant compétent, courtois et à l'écoute. Matière couverte variée, exercices pratiques pertinents. La formation a bien comblé mes attentes. Merci.

[ Julie ]


  • A course material for each participant
  • Support of the trainer after the training
  • We offer you in public session:
    • Tea, coffee
    • Parking (only in some cities)
    • Wireless internet connection

Préalables :

  • Have a good knowledge of his MAC or PC computing environment. No specific knowledge of page layout with another tool.

For whom/clientele targeted by InDesign training:

For beginners, graphic designers and model makers wishing to master page layout of catalogs, logos, brochures, corporate images or periodicals for printing or interactive publications.

Documents or materials to bring for InDesign training:

The installed and functional version of InDesign.


With Adobe InDesign, professional layout and graphics are taken to a new level offering integration with other Adobe graphics software: easy-to-use tools that speed up the design process, built-in support for the publication of pages on various media (print, Web, PDF, etc.). InDesign is the industry standard for professional page layout.

Objectifs :

  • Master the interface and basic tools of InDesign
  • Create and manage professional documents
  • Effectively work with text and images
  • Prepare documents for print and digital formats


per participant

Duration :2 day(s), is 14 hours.
Hours: 9 am-5pm, 2 coffee breaks.

See the lesson plan in PDF

Locations: Montreal, Gatineau / Ottawa, Quebec City.

See customer reviews

Regular price: On demand

*The preferential rate applies if you register at least two participants in the same session.

Rate Adobe InDesign Custom Training | Private Course

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Also available in private session.
offer is valid from 01/01/2024.

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Why choose Adobe InDesign?

Adobe InDesign was originally designed to create posters, magazines, flyers, newspapers, books, etc. In fact, Adobe InDesign is the ultimate publishing software for creating and publishing quality documents intended for printing as well as for digital display. Graphic designers and production artists are the primary users of this software.

Unlike open source and free softwares, Adobe InDesign offers a very diverse range of features as well as a fairly intuitive interface. The InDesign program offers many page layout options, including vector drawing, settings adjustments for characters, paragraphs, and typography, as well as creating tables, cells, and objects. InDesign even offers the ability to create animated PDFs.

In short, Adobe InDesign software is a very effective tool for business users who want to create all kinds of digital and print media. InDesign is easy to learn, intuitive and accessible to everyone.

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Formation en ligne

Vidéos de formations sur les logiciels en bureautique

“ I want to thank you both for providing my resources some excellent training(Cobol) over the past 3 days. Mamadou, thank you for being so accommodating on such short notice and for sending your facilitator to Gatineau for this customised and personalised training course. We’ll look forward to continuing our partnership for future training needs. “

“J’ai grandement apprécié les méthodes d’enseignement du prof. Le fait que nous soyons un petit groupe a grandement facilité les apprentissages. Il s’adapte à son audience et les exercices sont formateurs. Je recommande fortement. “

“ Ce fut un plaisir de faire affaires avec Doussou Formation. Ce qui fait LA différence est le service personnalisé totalement à l'écoute des participants ainsi que l'adaptation aux besoins de formation. Flexibilité / Adaptabilité / Professionnalisme / Courtoisie. Merci!“