Acrobat Pro Training: Creating PDF Documents in Montreal, Gatineau, Quebec

Introduction to Acrobat Pro Training

Acrobat Pro Overview
Acrobat tools and palettes
Work scenarios with PDF format
Edit an Acrobat document
Acrobat tools and palettes
Choice of displaying a document at the opening


Creating PDF files

Scan a document
Create a PDF file from a document (MS Word, MS Excel)
Create, edit, and organize a briefcase
Convert a briefcase file to PDF
The basic options of Adobe PDF
Add, edit text
Add images
Move / delete / edit objects
Insert headers and footers
Place a background
add, edit, delete pages
Comments and annotations


Create a form

Preparing the form database
Inserting form fields.
Properties of form fields.
Manage a default value.
Dissemination of a form


Optimization and export

Reduce the weight of a PDF.
Export a PDF to MS Word, MS Excel or MS PowerPoint


Protection and signature

Password protection
Restrict PDF modification
Sign a PDF with a digital identity
Certify a PDF file